A day like all the others 

August 4th 2015 started out like most of my days had. Waking up in the middle of nowhere. As I stated in my last blog I was a truck driver. I would go almost every week from Minnesota to California. Well this particular day I had trucked until around 2:30 am maybe a little later I can’t quite remember. I usually only slept 4-5 hours a night. I know I’ve since learned it’s not near enough sleep. Well this morning I got up did everything I could to shake the cobwebs out of my head. I had a daily log book I had to do. This stupid little book let commercial vehicle enforcement what I had done and where I had been. I hated this book with a passion I hated having to do it. It was part of my job but the part I hated the most. 

I loved my job. I had freedom I basically got paid to travel. I grew up in a truck as my dad did and still does the same thing. August 4th logbook done time to go. I had pulled over and slept at an off ramp in western Nebraska. As I would drive down the road and get going I would listen to music. Talk to friends on the phone or periodically check Facebook. I know highly frowned upon but also I hadn’t seen a car or a house in 30 miles one quick glance was all I needed to feel like I wasn’t going insane. 

Ding!! My phone was going off. I had a notification. It was from match. “Oh boy” I thought to myself. See match.com had not been very good to me. I had gone on a few dates. They either used an old picture. Don’t do that us guys don’t like that. Or they didn’t like the fact I was. “Truck driver” or to be honest I felt no spark and that was important to me. So I open the message and to my surprise a very attractive young woman had sent me a “hello” funny thing is I was giving match one more month and I was done with it. So I responded back. That opened the flood gates of conversation that day. We messaged all day back and forth. She had asked me every question under the sun and I was happy to answer. She told me she wanted to call me later that night little did I know it was going to be a 6 hour phone call. We had a spark, chemistry and from pictures we seemed to have a mutual attraction. I was also aware of the three kids she had as she had told me in an earlier message. I thought to myself that’s not a big deal I love kids. Little didn’t know at the time my life was going to be forever changed from that point on. Change that at first was not easy for me but change that has made a very positive impact on my life……. 

Until next week. 

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